It is narrated that when the law of Allah SWT was passed, that wine was haraam for us, and a man ran through the streets of Makkah yelling out aloud, telling the people about his law, those who were engaged at that very moment in drinking it, spat it out of their mouths immediately. Those who had any wine in their homes came out onto the street and began to throw their contents out into the streets, those who had it in glasses at one tossed the wine out of them. And that, my Brothers and Sisters was the END of Muslims consuming wine. Why? Because Allah SWT had commanded that it be so. Our Muslim Brothers and Sisters had such a strong connection to Islam, and their Rabb, and their Rasul, that they didn’t need a council to go out and conduct tests to establish JUST how harmful wine is, or JUST what quantity it needs to be present in, in the blood stream to actually intoxicate. They didn’t form groups amongst themselves that would slander the other group because they had emptied their glasses two minutes sooner, so they probably thought that they were nobler. They did not call each other names based on their facial expressions when the news was delivered. All they did was comply with Allah Most High’s Law. They stopped what they were doing and believed in Allah SWT’s wisdom.
Then there is the incident about the Niqaab or Khimar. Allah SWT revealed unto our Nabi SAW that the Believing Women should lower their gaze and guard their private parts and draw their veils over their bodies. When the Believing Women heard this, they tore the aprons from their bodies and covered their heads with it and of course later got more suitable covering garments. The point here is that they did not debate as to “why us”? or “Why don’t the men cover themselves?” or “It’s going to be too hot! We are in the dessert!” or “ Let’s take a last walk through the city to see if we can just get a few more men to look at us…” Believing Women of that time were so eager to please their Creator, they were so keen to obey the Messenger of Allah SWT and subscribe to the Wisdom of their Lord, they did not even have to think about what had been said. Does this make them stupid women? Women who were incapable of reasoning? Does this mean that our Mothers and the other Believing Women, the Sahaabia were incapable of possessing intelligence and making valuable contributions to the their community?
On the contrary, open a copy of Fazaa’i-“A-maal and you will read about the courageous actions, the kindness and gentleness, the absolute dedication to humanity that these women possessed. These are the women who have been assured a place in Jannat. Why then would we not follow their example? Is there any chance that we feel that the kind of behavior these women displayed is “out-dated”? Do we think that times have changed and there is no time to be gentle and kind and modest? Because it’s a dog-eat-dog world where modesty is for the Armish? Western “Civilisation” where abortions, prostitution, human trafficking are the order of the day, where women are clothed yet naked, where there are violent illnesses and addictions as a result or rampant pre and extra marital relations and a free-reign of drugs and alcohol.
Recently a Fatwa was passed by Ulama on the “haraam” status of smoking due to the presence of pig haemoglobin used in cigarette filters to make them more effective at trapping harmful substances. This is confirmed on a site . How many Muslim smokers do you know who gave up smoking on the spot when they found this out? Do you know ANY who understood the huge repercussions of this fatwa? Did you see people tossing their cigarette into the nearest bin? Or breaking them up into bits so that no-one else could smoke them?
What do you think the Sahaaba would have done? Up until then smoking had only been seen as makrooh, based on the fact that is it harmful to your body, but this information shed new light on the subject, made it “haraam”. How did we respond?
A lot is being said lately about the haraam status of music. How do we ensure that we are protecting our families from the evil effects (hypocrisy) of listening to music? Have you see proud Mummies and Daddies saying to their two year olds “Dance for us?” “Show them how you can do Waka Waka”, “Show us how you shake your bums”… I am sad to say that I know such families and dare say to them “Music is actually haraam” and you will be told exactly where to get off. They will explain to you in no time that Hidaayat is from Allah and everyone changes in their own time. My question is: What about the child? If you don’t encourage it from early childhood, they wont have to change in their adult life because they will never have done it….
No-one, alive today is perfect. This is a fact. But Allah SWT, at the time of revealing the Qur’aan, and at the time of guiding our Nabi S.A.W. knew that you would be who you are, living where you are, with the parents, siblings, families, children you have. He knew that we would be in the part of the world that we are in. He knew that groceries and school fees would be expensive. Allah Most High knew that the lousy French Government would ban Hijaab, and that the Filthy Jews and the State of Israel would be killing our Muslim brethren, Allah Most merciful knew that the Kuffaar would mock us and make light of His Deen… But Allah SWT did not tell us that it was ok to tweak and modify his perfect Word, all he asked was that we abide by it, and the reward would be Jannat – eternal life in a most perfect, unimagined, beautiful, peaceful, welcoming abode…
We can make excuses, we can defend our actions, we can even go to great lengths to explain why our situation is different. At the end of it all we have to own up to the fact ath Allah SWT is All Knowing, Perfect, The Guide and All Wise… we are nothing without Him. We use of his Bounties without any shame and expect to be able to just do as we please.
Let us wake up. Our death is looking for us.
Allah guide us all and make us of the Humble Servants who will hold on to His Word until the end. Aameen Yaa Rabbul Aalameen.
21st Century Pharaohs
What does the greatest Book in history narrate about the nations of the past? What did these nations do to bring about their destruction? Abu Hasnayn discusses the stories of Prophet Hud, Lut, and Shu'aib. He emphasises the importance of reflecting and taking heed from these stories. He highlights the fact that for a nation to excel they must know the past so as to avoid making the same mistakes. So what will happen to those who transgress upon the land? Do they ask for the punishment of Allah to come upon them?
Day 1:
Allahu Akbar! I am in Niqaab. I bought it today simply because I wanted to have this style of Niqaab as well as the one I already had at home. In the car I put it on and showed Hubby what I looked like. I kept it on until we got to the school to pick the kids up and he asked me to take it off. I obliged. Next stop was my Mother in Law. I didn’t put it on until after we had left her place to go to buy shoes. The area we went to for the shoes is predominantly a Muslim one, so I felt right at home. There were many other Munaqabahs there with their husbands and children and even some young girls who were not married at all.
I think I had the knot tied too far up at the back because it was very uncomfortable for a while and I had to keep pulling the Niqaab out of my eyes.
With the slight discomfort though, I still felt as though this is definitely something I want to do. I left it on when I went into the Butcher and again, being amongst other Muslims, it felt normal and didn’t attract too much attraction.
I could sense my Husband becoming a bit anxious, as although he has always known that this is what I wanted, and granted me permission to don the Niqaab, he probably help but wonder what the reaction of our families and friends would be.
We arrived at my Ummi, and went inside. She smiled and said to me “For real?” And I suddenly realized that I couldn’t exactly take it off and say “No I was just kidding!”. I didn’t want to take it off. I wanted to wear my Niqaab. This felt different, for sure, but this was what I wanted.
I was just in time for Asr Salaah, and when I completed, I made a Niyyat to don the Niqaab from this day forward. Some cousins were there to visit, and when I saw their father (my aunt’s husband) I automatically pulled the Niqaab back down over my face. Instead of coming to shake my hand the way he normally would have, he stopped dead in his tracks and greeted standing where he was, then turned to go back outside.
The rest of the day was uneventful, except that my Mother in Law wanted to know “why?”. I had no answer except that the wives of our Nabi S.A.W. also wore the veil and that I just felt I wanted to. She wasn’t overjoyed and didn’t offer any kind of joyful wish or Masha Allah, but she gave a promise that she would try to get used to it. All the while, I was just thinking, "Yaa Allah,a ccept me… Yaa Allah accept me…” Not much more was said afterwards.
That night I told my Hubby that this is forever, Insha Allah. I didn’t know what my bosses and colleagues would say, but they were the only people I could think of who could possibly make it really awkward and challenging for me. Still, I decided to go ahead… Alhamdulillah.
I ended up sitting for a long time, just reflecting on the whole business of Niqaab that night. I asked myself the question: “Why?” Are you doing it because you want other Muslims to think of you as “holy”? Are you doing it because you want a job in a Muslim Organisation? I realized that I am doing it because I feel that I need to have my face protected from strange gazes. I want to protect it from strange gazes so that I am not guilty of attracting strange men’s attention. I do not want to attract the attention of strange men because I do not want to anger Allah. In all of this is the conclusion that I am doing it to please my Maker. Should I really have to explain myself to mere Creation? Allah knew before I knew that I was going to do this. Events occurred each day, me reading something in a Kitaab or hearing something in a lecture., feeling a certain way or catching a Non-Mahram looking at me… This was something I had to do. And if the Prophet S.A.W.’s wives did it, it is a Sunnah. I want to fulfil this Sunnah.
Day 2
Today we went to the shopping mall up the road to pay an account. My children, without me telling or asking them to, put on their best Kurta’s and Islaamic headgear. As soon as we climbed out of the car in the parking lot of the mall, my son grabbed my left hand, my daughter my right, and off we went. They held on so tightly, as though they felt that they needed to protect me or show that they were proud to be with me. I squeezed their hands tightly as I realized what they were doing.
We bought some soft serve ice-cream, which is the norm for our quick ten minute mall visits, and only when the lady serving us handed the ice-cream to me, did I realise that I was going to have a problem. My husband was too embarrassed to hold it for me as well as hold his own so I shot him a “look” and took the car keys and took a really swift walk to the car so I could start on my ice-cream before it melted. Once in the car, I lifted my Niqaab and the ice-cream tasted just the way it always does – delicious.
I then took a drive with the kids to my Ummi again, visited my Grandmother, whom my kids fondly call “Oper Naani” or “Big Granny”. My Ummi’s sister was glad that I was in Niqaab and hugged me and kissed me. My Naani was not quite as impressed. She said that people scoff at ladies in Niqaab and talk bad about them behind their backs. I listened to her advice and assured her that I would not let people’s opinions bother me, because I wanted to please Allah. She nodded and said nothing more.
Day 3
I didn’t sleep very well last night because I got into bed late, too anxious to sleep. And then the baby was feverish during the night and I sat up with her until the fever broke. I was up at 03h45 and battled a bit to keep my eyes open but I managed.
Have you ever felt your insides twist from nervousness? Mine did. All morning, until it was time to leave. And I changed my Khimaar three times before I could leave. Traffic was fairly easy today, and I took extra care to drive considerately. I can just imagine the Niqaab being the first point of reference if anyone thought I was driving badly.
I got to work and moved toward my desk in increments. First out the car into the basement, deep breath, then up the stairs into the reception and into the rest room to adjust anything that needed adjusting in the mirror, then to my desk faster than I ever have before.
Most of the developers here are introverts and prefer each other’s company anyway. I have never spoken to them except when there was a need for work. So having them walk by and not even give me a second glance (obvious glance) suited me fine.
I had sent my Manager a text message yesterday to let her know that I was now wearing the veil, and she hadn’t responded, but when she walked in this morning she smiled and greeted as she usually would and she was really polite.
I am feeling positive Insha Allah. Let’s see what the rest of the day and week hold. Allah keep us all steadfast in our decisions to get closer to him Insha Allah. Allah guide us and protect us and help us to please him in the best way we can. Insha Allah.
Aameen Yaa Rabbul Aalaameen
Abû Mûsâ al-Ash‘arî said: The Prophet (SAAS) said: “When a child of a man dies, Allâh asks the angels, ‘Did you take the soul of My slave’s child?’ They reply, ‘Yes.’ He asksthem, ‘Did you take away the apple of his eye?’, and they reply, ‘Yes.’ The He asks:
‘What did My slave say?’ They tell Him: ‘He praised You and said: “To Allâh we belong and to Him is our return.” ’ Allâh says: ‘Build a house for him in Paradise and call it Bait al-hamd (the house of praise)’.” (At-Tirmidhî, Ahmad and Ibn Hibbân)
I have deleted the post "Instrinsic Renovation" in spite of the popularity it gained rather rapidly in the last hour or so! I would like to point out that I haev not started a blog to "smear" anyone or have readers develop ill feelings toward me! This blog is my journal! It is where I record my perception, my feelings and views. If there is anything offensive in it to you, please do not read it! This is not a blog meant to anger you, hurt you, draw your curses, but rather MY thoughts and views. If you disagree that is perfectly acceptable. I happen to have very strong feelings about apostasy and Shirk.
Thank you for your support if I have it, and of I don't I urge you to refrain from reading this blog.
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